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Speaker #2: Kyria Wackett

Meet Kyira Wackett

Kyira Wackett is a licensed mental health therapist specializing in shame and anxiety. She is the owner of Adversity Rising, a company who equips people with the confidence and skills to write their own stories. Her work ranges from one on one coaching to corporate wellness packages with a focus on what she calls the anti-band-aid movement or resisting the quick fix in favor of doing the work necessary to make meaningful and sustainable change. The highlight of her work is her signature program, That Life AR, where she walks people through her 5-step therapeutic process she believes can combat any pain point that comes our way because we all deserve to live a life in which we can thrive.

Speaker Details:

  • Date Interview Available: September 9th
  • Topic: Becoming a Shame Resilient Parent and Mom
  • Free Gift for Everyone: 5 Things Shame Resilient People do Every Day + Resources
  • Grand Prize Raffle for Launch Week: I Love Me Workbook
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